Celebrating Shabbat with Holocaust survivors

Celebrating Shabbat with Holocaust survivors

On January 31, 2020 our team serving Holocaust survivors invited 25 of them to celebrate Shabbat together at “Return to Zion” congregation. During this special time of fellowship, they spoke…
Shabbat reception for Holocaust Survivors

Shabbat reception for Holocaust Survivors

During the Sukkoth (Fest of Tabernacle) celebrations, on Friday, October 18th, a Shabbat reception was held for the Holocaust Survivors at “Return to Zion” Ministry. Our team made sure to…
Meeting Holocaust Survivors on the week end

Meeting Holocaust Survivors on the week end

A few weeks ago, members of our congregation (Return to Zion) organized a special Shabbat meeting for Holocaust Survivors and the mature generating called “the Golden Age” from our congregation.…
Blessing holocaust survivors in Nazareth

Blessing holocaust survivors in Nazareth

Another wonderful day where we were able to reach out and bless holocaust survivors in Nazareth with food baskets for the Passover holiday.
We are so grateful for these small moments where we can truly show God’s love to his children!

Служение пережившим Холокост

[flv]https://shaveitzion.org//wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/prazdnichny_vecher.f4v[/flv] Modern Israel! - Storms brewing in foreign policy, Ahmadinedjad denying the Holocaust, and the Israeli reality - thousands of victims of the Holocaust living in Israel and still suffering.…