Genesis 1:1-6:8
Haftarah – Isaiah 42:5-43:10
Every person who delves into serious scientific study becomes convinced, that within the laws of nature exists a spiritual realm, and that this spirit is higher than man. For this reason, scientific study leads man to religion.
Example of Albert Einstein
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” Genesis 1:1-2
The first weekly Torah portion in the Jewish New Year begins with these words. Without a doubt, the book of Genesis is the most striking and conveys the deepest message from God to humanity. From the beginning days of creation, Scripture uses terms that have not lost their relevance to this day: sun and moon, week and month, day and night. These terms have remained the same, despite the efforts of people to change them. History contains examples of when people attempted to introduce a ten-day week, or tried to do away with the institution of family. Nevertheless, the essence and principles established by God during the period of creation, and described in the book of Genesis are unchangeable, just like the whole Torah. In the Gospel of Matthew, Yeshua said that not one iota will by any means pass from the Torah–it is
unchangeable, like the laws of nature (Matthew 5).
Every single word in the book of Genesis is saturated with meaning about both the tangible concepts that are understandably applicable in modern-day life, as well as hints about the heavenly spiritual realm which is invisible to the human eye, the Spirit of God and His creative power are all revealed in the history of creation of the world:
• the Spirit of God, hovering above the earth and demonstrating His supernatural
power and authority
• Light that penetrates the universe before any sources of light were created
• Words that carry creating power within them
• Laws that govern the universe, so that it does not disintegrate into neutrons and
• the World that was created for man
• Supernatural power that separated the heavens from the earth, and water from
dry land
The Torah is foundational in studying the character of God. Therefore, it is important for people to be open to the Spirit and delve deeper into the study of the Torah.