The Prophet Isaiah wrote: “share your bread with the hungry…” (Is.58: 7) Yes, in modern Israel, fortunately, you will not see many homeless people on the streets, you will not be surrounded by a crowd of beggars in our markets, the state is trying to help those in need. However, often, among the well-being of some, the powerlessness and rejection of others is hidden. As in many developed countries, the price of real estate drives the poor into rented apartments. Which deprives them of a significant part of their monthly income. For elderly repatriates, those who have not earned a funded pension in Israel, the only way to stay under a roof is in specialized hostels.
Here are small one-room apartments, sufficient living conditions, but even for this opportunity you must give about half of the social allowance. However, not only the lack of funds is their biggest problem, but the elderly also simply finds it difficult to prepare homemade food for themselves. Some have no relatives, while some children chose to live an independent life, and have forgotten about their parents. These are the people that the Return to Zion Ministry team decide to help. Homemade meals are now prepared in the community kitchen every week.
The cook tries to make the menu varied, in such quantity that it would be enough for “grandfathers” and “grandmothers” for several days. She is trying to adjust to an almost industrial scale, with volunteers helping to distribute food to the trays for transportation. 36 people in two different hostels in Haifa are now expecting a kind and tasty event every week. And, even though charitable activities, according to the law of Israel, are forbidden to combine with the preaching of the Gospel, practical ministry can best convey the Good News of the Savior to the hearts of those in need.