Judaism and christianity/ Answering questions. Part 1

Judaism and christianity/ Answering questions. Part 1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kJ3qxdy218 Leon Mazin. Messianic Center "Return to Zion" Israel. 0:47 - Did the early church meet on Saturdays? How can you prove it? 3:09 - Did first Christians circumcise themselves?…
Judaism and christianity/ Answering questions. Part 2

Judaism and christianity/ Answering questions. Part 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMIz3FQPeD4 Leon Mazin. Messianic Center "Return to Zion" Israel. 0:20. Where do names the Old and New covenants come from? And are these two mutually exclusive covenants or are they…
猶太信仰與基督信仰/問題解答 (第二部)

猶太信仰與基督信仰/問題解答 (第二部)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMIz3FQPeD4 Leon Mazin 彌賽亞信徒中心「歸回錫安」以色列 0:20—舊約及新約的名字是從哪裡來的?它們是各自獨立存在的約呢?還是各為同一個約的一部分呢? 3:14—如果猶太人拒絕耶穌的話,是否他們仍與上帝有約的關係存在?還是他們已與上帝不再有關係了呢?今日,上帝與猶太百姓是否仍有關係? 9:00—誰應該踏出第一步—基督教會應該走向以色列?或是以色列應該走向基督教會? 14:01—如果耶穌是所應許的彌賽亞,是基督教會的頭的話,為什麼基督教會應該回到舊約的儀式,而別無他路了呢?