Tiberius for Olim Chadashim

Tiberius for Olim Chadashim

On December 23, 2016, a team from our Messianic Congregation, Return to Zion, visited Tiberius with a group of Olim Chadashim (new immigrants). They also visited the Mount of Transfiguration…
Educational tour for Olim Chadashim

Educational tour for Olim Chadashim

On December 12, a team of our Messianic Congregation, “Return to Zion," organized an educational tour to Jerusalem for Olim Chadashim (New Immigrants) from Haifa and the suburbs. Our team…
A Trip to Masada for New Immigrants

A Trip to Masada for New Immigrants

On October 25, 2016, the ministers of our congregation organized a trip for new immigrants to Masada.
Masada is an ancient fortress, which is located near the Israeli town Arad on the southern coast of the Dead Sea.


Программа Олим

Программа Олим

Мы искренне верим посланию Писания, повторяющемуся десятки раз. «И поднимет знамя язычникам, и соберет изгнанников Израиля, и рассеянных Иудеев созовет от четырех концов земли» (Исаия 11:12). В наши дни Господь…