Tiberius for Olim Chadashim

Tiberius for Olim Chadashim

On December 23, 2016, a team from our Messianic Congregation, Return to Zion, visited Tiberius with a group of Olim Chadashim (new immigrants). They also visited the Mount of Transfiguration…
Educational tour for Olim Chadashim

Educational tour for Olim Chadashim

On December 12, a team of our Messianic Congregation, “Return to Zion," organized an educational tour to Jerusalem for Olim Chadashim (New Immigrants) from Haifa and the suburbs. Our team…
Korean Culture Evenings at “Return to Tzion”

Korean Culture Evenings at “Return to Tzion”

On October 27-28, 2016 a Korean group of 40 people organized cultural evenings in our congregation. The first evening was organized for Holocaust Survivors and their families. The second evening was for the members of our congregation. They prepared an interesting and colorful program: traditional singing and dancing, drumming, origami, hairstyling and of course tasty dishes of Korean food.

Return to Zion youth Projects 2015-2016

Return to Zion youth Projects 2015-2016

I have written to you, young people, that you are strong, and the word of God resides in you, and you have conquered the evil one. 1 John 2:14 At Return…
Eagle Project – 2016

Eagle Project – 2016

Eagle Project 2016 has reached all its goals. God worked in the hearts of our Israeli and Norwegian youth. We at Return to Zion congregation will continue to seek the…
Pilgrims Program

Pilgrims Program

Pilgrim is an educational program which has been successfully running for the past 5 years. Its purpose is not to provide a bespoke tour guided walk around the historic places…
Music School

Music School

  We launched our art school Keshet Tzlilim (“The rainbow of sounds” in Hebrew) in 2010 under the umbrella of Return to Zion congregation. From the very beginning, the target…
Return to Zion Congregation

Return to Zion Congregation

Return to Zion Congregation was established by Leon and Nina Mazin in 2001, with Russian-speaking immigrants from the former Soviet Union comprising ninety-nine percent of the congregation. In 2004, the…
Программа Олим

Программа Олим

Мы искренне верим посланию Писания, повторяющемуся десятки раз. «И поднимет знамя язычникам, и соберет изгнанников Израиля, и рассеянных Иудеев созовет от четырех концов земли» (Исаия 11:12). В наши дни Господь…
Программа “Нешер”

Программа “Нешер”

Проект "Нешер" создан для мессианских общин в Израиле, чтобы служить молодым людям, которые закончили свою службу в Армии обороны Израиля. Эта программа также призвана помочь установить отношения и строить мосты между верующими в Израиле и Норвегии.